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How to deal with self isolation when you are self-employed ?

How to deal with self isolation when you are self-employed ?
It is a difficult time for actors, painters and other self-employed artists... (Credit: Getty Images)
There are currently 5,02 million self-employed workers in the UK, many of whom would have been among the first to feel the effects of closures and restrictions caused by the coronavirus outbreak. How do they deal with the crisis and self isolation?

I managed to have a chat with Tom Hanratty known from portraying Anthony O'Reiley in BBC Casualty.
Tom from an early age displayed an artistic streak which he believes is something that runs in the family - his mum and one of his aunts were both skilled painters and his eldest brother also likes to paint. While he didn’t paint, he certainly liked and really enjoyed performing not only in theatre but films...

Unfortunately, festivals, concerts, theatre shows and outdoor events across the UK have been hit by coronavirus, leaving venues and promoters reeling and ticket-holders seeking refund and performers both with crew in a very difficult situation.

As one of many self-employed people, how does the current situation affect you?
- Well, a lot of productions have had to cancel or postpone filming due to the pandemic and a lot of people are unfortunately out of work. I'm a performer and all of the shows across the UK have been cancelled. It was hard at first, but I needed more time to realise that it's for the best. We need to protect ourselves. Stay at home and protect NHS.

In terms of my social life, I’m not affected too badly since I’m a bit of an introvert; though I do miss being able to attend my weekly Latin dance classes (I dance bachata and Cuban salsa).

Credit: Tom Hanratty

How do you deal with it?
- I try not to worry or stress - panicking in times like these doesn’t really help at the end of the day. All I can do is stay home, stay safe and make sure that I wash my hands thoroughly and continue taking vitamin D medication to keep my immune system strong!
I’m also using my free time to do some drawing and catch up on shows.

Any advice you can give to others struggling with self-isolation?
- For those struggling with negative thoughts, I recommend reading self-help books - I recently finished reading You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay so I recommend that one as well as Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. I also write things down in what I call my ‘gratitude list’ - a list of things throughout my life that I’m grateful for. I recommend that as well as I find it’s a very effective activity. I also regularly listen to guided meditation videos on YouTube.

A year or two ago I probably would have scoffed at the idea, but after my friend suggested it to me, it has really helped with clearing my mind and keeping a better mindset. It’s especially effective if you meditate before going to bed, that way your mind will be fully relaxed and you may sleep better that way. I will also mention that the combination of guided meditation, adding to my gratitude list and reading self-help books is what helped me get out of a toxic rut of crippling self-doubt that I was trapped in for a very long time. And I’m very glad that I had the discipline to change the way as I was thinking because if I hadn’t, I may not have come as far as I have now.

Do you stay connected with people?
- Yes. I regularly keep in touch with my friends and family via text messages and video-calls. I’m also part of an awesome community of voice actors on Instagram and we regularly take part in a challenge in which we all read out text that’s given to us and publish our takes on our Instagram stories.

In fact, social media is particularly effective in times like this; especially with keeping in touch with friends and family. A friend of mine who I talked to via Skype recently admitted that they don’t usually do video calls because they previously thought it was a bit awkward, but personally I love it 'cos it’s nice to see and talk to people at the same time even if we can’t physically be in the same place. Communication during a period of isolation is important not just for the friendships and relationships we have, but for our mental health as well. Plus it’s nice to check up on those around you!

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