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The Potential Benefits of Implementing a Programme Like GamStop in Poland

The Potential Benefits of Implementing a Programme Like GamStop in Poland
In the modern world, the online gambling industry has become incredibly diverse and popular. However, along with a pleasant opportunity to escape from everyday life for a while, the number of people with gambling addiction has also grown.

In this text, we will discuss what positive changes Poland will experience if it introduces an alternative to GamStop. We will look at what the programme is, what types of support it gives, and how users can understand that they need to use the service. Moreover, our team explained how this system helps to reduce stress and restore financial stability.

What Is GamStop?

GamStop is a self-exclusion programme developed in the UK. It allows players to restrict access to online gambling sites for 6 months, a year, or 5 years. Once enrolled in GamStop, it will be impossible to gamble afterwards, even if using an existing account.

In addition, every online platform licensed in the UK must verify a new user in the system. The main idea of this self-exclusion software is to protect people who have identified gambling addiction from possible negative outcomes. It’s also possible to play at UK operators that aren't on GamStop if anybody wants to feel the spirit of victory and freedom again. They are just as reliable as other sites and have their specific mechanics that promote responsible gambling.

Reasons Why People Turn to GamStop

For many people, gambling is a fun hobby that doesn't present any threats to their health or social life. However, some have experienced negative effects. Here are the factors that help to better track whether it's time to use GamStop or any other alternative:

  • If there is a desire to spend more on games than one can afford;
  • A person replaces working or spending time with family by playing online games;
  • Gambling makes to borrow money and accumulate debts;
  • Having to lie to relatives and friends about gambling experiences;
  • Frequent feelings of anxiety and isolation from society;
  • Online gambling has replaced all other hobbies;
  • Lack of desire to spend time with family;
  • There is a fear that none of the loved ones will understand why there is a constant urge to gamble.

Benefits for Polish Society

Implementing a self-restriction programme like GamStop can have many benefits that cover different areas of life. For example, health, social well-being, financial stability, and much more. If the Polish government introduces an alternative to GamStop programme, it will increase player confidence in the industry and reduce the percentage of unlicensed platforms. Besides, the more people adopt responsible gambling measures, the faster the country will be able to reduce the unemployment rate and boost the economy. Below, we analyse each positive aspect in more detail.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

At first, the impact of gambling in life is invisible, except for the pleasant feeling of winning. After all, gambling releases dopamine, the so-called ‘feel-good’ hormone. It’s activated every time a bet is won, and we get a sense of satisfaction and relish the future reward.

However, if gambling becomes a lifestyle that is impossible to live without, the consequences can be unpleasant. For example, you may experience low self-esteem, constant stress, anxiety, and even depression. The great thing is that a self-exclusion programme can help change thoughts and improve mental health. This way, you'll be able to restore sleep, get rid of the fear of losing, and spend more time with friends and family. Decreasing stress levels also helps to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and other illnesses.

Financial Stability

The self-restriction programme helps to better control income, as the temporary absence of gambling reduces the risk of unforeseen financial losses. In addition, there is no longer a need to take on loans or save for betting. The period of self-exclusion is also a good opportunity to pay off debts, which leads to an improved credit history.

Even temporarily quitting gambling allows one to focus on creating and sticking to a personal or family budget. Furthermore, the money that was previously planned for games can be used to create a financial cushion or to fulfil a long-held dream.

Improved Family Relationships

People who are less likely to experience gambling problems have more time and resources for their families. Moreover, the family is no longer under constant financial pressure and can focus on other important aspects of life. For example, children's education, home improvement, or holiday planning.

Unfortunately, excessive gambling leads to family conflicts due to financial problems and mistrust. Quitting gambling reduces the number of conflicts and helps to create more harmonious relationships. After all, when families do not have constant quarrels over gambling, there is a stronger desire to spend time together, communicate, and restore trust.

Psychological and Social Support

The creation of a self-exclusion programme raises awareness of responsible gambling and, most importantly, provides the necessary tools for this. Additionally, professional counselling can be introduced to help analyse whether a player has a problem. Another positive aspect of the self-exclusion system is that it usually provides additional contacts for emotional support. Anyone can reach out and get valuable help on the path to change.

Final Thoughts

The introduction of a GamStop-like programme in Poland could have numerous benefits for players, the gambling industry, and society in general. For example, the system would facilitate the provision of professional psychological and social support. The self-restriction plan helps to stop playing in time and analyse which areas of life have lost focus. Most significantly, by taking a break from betting, it's possible to restore the financial situation and strengthen family ties.


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