Scotland will hold a new referendum on separation from the UK unless it can stay in the European Union single market, Nicola Sturgeon will warn this week, adding to the pressure on Theresa May as the UK prime minister draws up plans for Brexit.more
Support among Scots for independence is marginally higher than it was almost two years ago when the country rejected leaving the UK in a closer-than-expected vote.more
Nicola Sturgeon has insisted Scotland will not be "window dressing in a talking shop" when it comes to Brexit negotiations as she restated her threat to call a second independence referendum if the UK exits the European single market. more
Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has launched a new campaign for a second independence referendum, just two years after voters rejected splitting from the rest of the UK.more
Scots do not want another referendum on independence before Britain leaves the EU - and would vote "no" if one were held, according to a Times poll. The results are published on the morning of Nicola Sturgeon's fresh push for separation.more