
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

A collection of the questions we most often receive from our users

I. Information Regarding Placing an Ad

II. Information Regarding Account Settings

III. Information Regarding Banner Ads

IV. Other Information

I. Information Regarding Placing an Ad

1. How long does it take for my ad to appear on the site?

Free ads appear on the site 24 hours after they have been posted. If you would like for your ad to appear online immediately, you can use the “Top-Up” function to pa for your ad. Paid ads appear online after a few minutes, as soon as our system has received confirmation of payment.

2. Why does it take so long for my ad to appear on the site?

Every free ad placed on Londynek appears 24 hours after posting, in order to allow our team to verify the ad’s content. If you would like for your ad to appear online immediately, you can make a payment. Paid ads appear online after a few minutes, as soon as our system has received confirmation of payment.

3. While trying to place my ad, I got the following error:The telephone number you have provided has already been assigned to another user.. What does this mean?

Phone numbers can only be assigned to one Londynek account at a time.

If the account you are using to place the ad is not your only account on Londynek, then you have probably received this message because the phone number you are trying to use has already been assigned to your previous account. The easiest way to solve this issue is simply to log into your other account, and place the ad from the account to which your phone number has been assigned.

Alternatively, you can contact our Customer Support team and request that your phone number be transferred to your new account. Our Customer Support team can be reached at +44 (0) 7459 363 245 +44 (0) 7459 363 245 from 9am – 5pm Monday through Friday.

This error also occasionally appears if the body of the ad contains a link with a string of numbers. This can be resolved by creating a shortened version of the link online, for example using

4. What is the cost of placing an ad on your site?

You will find our rates under the “Our Offer” page of every classifieds section.
Buy & Sell

5. How many free ads can I place?

Each user may place 3 free ads in each of the Jobs, Accommodation and Automotive sections, 1 free ad in the Business section, and 5 free ads in the Personals section. Please note that the number of free ads is per user, not per email address.

6. Why can’t I add a photo to my ad?

You can attach a photo to ads in most sections of the website. Please ensure that any file you are trying to upload is in jpg or gif format. Images saved as any other file type (ie. docx, bmp etc.) will not upload correctly. If you are having trouble uploading an image that is in the correct file format, please try opening it and saving a new version in any image-editing program. Two simple free programs are: InfranView, Photoscape

7. While trying to place my ad, I received a message that said I have used all my free ads. What do I do?

Every user has the option to post a designated number of free ads in each classifieds section. Please note that the number of free ads is per user, not per email address.
If you have used your free ads but would like to place an ad, please click on My Londynek > Advertising, then “my online ads” in the section you are trying to place your ad. Either delete any old ads that have been offline for over 6 months, or use the “Top-Up” function to pay for your ad to appear online.

8. While I was placing my ad, I received the following error message We had problem with your input: The attribute 'class' is not allowed (..)

If you are trying to copy and paste text from a word processing program such as Microsoft Word, sometimes formatting associated with the text can cause this error to appear. Please first copy and paste the text into Notepad (if using a PC) or Text Edit (if using a Mac). Then copy the text from this program into the field on our website, and format the text using the online tools provided.

9. When trying to post my ad, I don’t see any fields where I can input text.

Some browser add-ons such as AdBlock can hide parts of the webpage. Please disable any such programs for our website in order to view the site properly.

10. Why can’t I delete my old ads?

Ads that were not accepted for publication can be deleted at any time using the Administration Panel. Ads that have appeared online may be deleted after 6 months have elapsed from the date the ad went offline.

11. I have some points through the loyalty program. How much are they worth?

Each point is worth 10p, so if for example you are paying £5 for an ad, you will need 50 points.

12. Where can I find my invoices?

All of your invoices are accessible on our website. Click on My Londynek > Advertising > the category you are interested in seeing invoices for > My Invoices.

13. What is the difference between the “Top-Up” and “Move-Up” functions?

The “Top-Up” function allows you to extend the length of time your ad is visible online. When you ‘top-up’, you can choose by how long you would like to extend your ad. As well, ‘topping-up’ bumps your ad up so it appears at the top of the list of ads displayed online.

The “Move-Up” feature is great for when you don’t want to extend the length of time your ad is online, but want to move it up the list of online ads. This feature bumps your ad up to the top of the list, and extends the duration of your ad by one day.

Both functions also allow you to edit your ad for 24 hours, in case you would like to make any changes to the body of the ad or change the attached images.

Please note that Commercial ads always appear above Standard or Special ads, and that ‘moving-up’ a Standard or Special ad will not cause it to be displayed above Commercial ads.

14. How do I turn off one of my online ads?

In order to turn off any of your ads, please go to My Londynek > Advertising > the section in which the ad you’d like to turn off is located. Click on the “disable” button next to the ad that you would like to take offline.

II. Information Regarding Account Settings

1. I’ve forgotten my password. What should I do?

To retrieve your forgotten password, please click here.

2. I didn’t receive an email with my password, what should I do?

a) Check that you have provided the correct email address
b) Check to see if the email ended up in the spam folder of your email
c) Make sure that our domain ( isn’t on the list of blocked domains in your email’s anti-spam filter. If necessary, remove our domain from the list and re-enter your email on the forgotten password page.

3. How can I change the email address associated with my account?

The email address used to create an account is permanent. If the email account you used to sign up to Londynek is no longer active or accessible, please contact our technical department through the contact form.

4. How can I delete my account?

We’re very sorry to hear that you’ve decided to delete your account on Londynek. To delete your account, please log in to your panel and find delete link.

III. Information Regarding Banner Ads

1. What is the cost of placing a banner ad on your site?

Thanks for your interest in advertising with us.
With over 10 million page views per month and over 300,000 registered users, Londynek is the largest website for the Polish community in the UK.

In order to find out more about our current banner ad rates, please contact our marketing team, either through the contact form or on: +44 (0) 7459 363 245 +44 (0) 7459 363 245

IV. Other Information

1. How secure are payments made through your site?

Payments through our site are completely secure. Londynek doesn’t keep any payment details on our servers, and the entire transaction takes place through an encrypted connection through, which is a leading online payment provider used by companies such as WHSmith.

2. Someone is using my phone number in an ad without my permission. What should I do?

If someone is using your phone number without your permission, please contact our Customer Support team as soon ad possible, at 0203 249 0077 between 9am and 5pm Monday through Friday.

Didn’t find the answer to your question?

No problem: just fill out our contact form, and someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible.