
Portal information

Founded in 2002, Londynek is the UK’s largest online community for Poles. With over 11 million page impressions and 10 thousand new classified ads per month, Londynek is the Polish community’s most comprehensive source of information about a wide variety of news, classifieds and event listings.

Londynek’s large role in the lives of the Polish community in the UK means that it is frequently a source of information for other media outlets, such as,, TVN, Polonia, TVP, and even the BBC.

If you are looking to advertise to the Poles living in the UK, Londynek gives you a unique opportunity to target and reach this continually growing community.
According to the 2011 Census, 579,000 UK residents were born in Poland, making Poles the UK’s second largest foreign-born minority group. Not only that, but Polish is now the second most spoken language in the UK after English and Welsh.

If you’re looking to advertise to the Polish community in the UK, Londynek has the largest group of registered users out of any Polish community on the web, and, 10 years on, we’re still growing.

Key Figures:

  • 11 million+ impressions per month
  • 350,000+ unique visits per month
  • 350,000+ registered users
  • 10,000+ new ads online per month
  • 50 new events added every month
  • 120+ new News articles posted every week
  • 7 new Library articles posted every week