  • Border Guard: Germany wants to hand over more than 1 870 foreigners to Poland
  • March of June 4: "Democracy in Poland will not die"
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  • Report: More than half of office workers are dissatisfied with their earnings
  • March 4th of June in Warsaw: "The giant has woken up"
  • Report: Poles smoke more and more
  • The quality of customer service on the Polish market is gradually declining
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  • Experts: The shrinking working-age population will be a challenge for Poland
  • The police smashed the "Kamel" gang. They smuggled drugs from Spain to Poland in potato transports
  • Children's Day in the shadow of inflation
  • The Polish tax office carefully reviews taxpayers' social media
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  • Report: 29 per cent of parents have a preference for their offspring's professional future
  • CBOS: Andrzej Duda, Rafał Trzaskowski and Szymon Hołownia with the most trust
  • Survey: Will increasing the 500 plus benefit raise inflation?
  • Poll by Majority of Poles oppose Poland's resignation from the right of veto in the EU
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  • Young Polish women are less likely to want to become mothers
  • Expert: EU regulations to eliminate short-term 'black' tenancies
  • Toilet paper will be even more expensive. All because of new EU regulations
  • More than 80 per cent of Polish companies already employ Ukrainian nationals
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  • German ambassador to Poland: "The topic of reparations is Pandora's box"
  • Study: Polish children are lower than their peers in other countries in our region
  • UK Defense Secretary: We support our most important ally, Poland
  • The Commission for Pedophilia calls for reports to those who were harmed by priests
  • Most Poles declare that John Paul II is a moral authority for them
  • Companies in Poland caught a light breath. They disappear from the market more slowly
  • Poles still doomed to private dental treatment. It is not profitable for dentists to work for NFZ
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