Theresa May has given the clearest indication yet she is preparing for a second independence referendum as she pledged not to allow the Union between Scotland and England to "drift apart" thanks to Brexit.more
A Polish girl attending a bunscoil has written to the Executive urging former first minister Arlene Foster to show greater respect for the Irish language.more
The European Parliament has lifted French far-right leader Marine Le Pen's immunity from prosecution after she tweeted pictures of so-called Islamic State (IS) violence.more
The Government has suffered a damaging Brexit Bill defeat in the House of Lords over its plans to guarantee the rights of EU citizens living in the UK.more
A Scottish woman and her French scientist husband have decided to quit the UK because of Brexit after his application for permanent residency was rejected by the Home Office, despite him working in the country for more than 20 years.more
As announced in President Juncker's 2016 State of the Union speech, the European Commission today presented a White Paper on the Future of Europe, which forms the Commission's contribution to the Rome Summit of 25 March 2017.more
A spokesman for the prime minister Theresa May denied yesterday reports in the media, according to which those EU citizens who come to the UK after the formal opening of negotiations on Brexit would be denied the automatic right of residence.more
Prime Minister Theresa May is preparing for the Scottish government to call a second independence referendum to coincide with the triggering of Article 50 next month.
Tonight an extraordinary meeting of the European Commission will take place in Brussels. The politicians will discuss proposals for the future of the EU, to be presented before the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome.more
More than a quarter of EU citizens are having their applications for permanent residency in the UK rejected since the UK voted to leave the EU, according to new analysis of the government's migration data.more
Theresa May reportedly plans to end rights given to EU nationals under freedom of movement rules when she triggers Article 50 next month, with a Government source claiming that otherwise "half of Romania and Bulgaria" might come to the UK before Brexit.more
"This is a significant success, it means that Poland is perceived" - Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski rated the invitation of Deputy Prime Minister Matthew Morawiecki the March G20 summit.more
Home Office, responding to a question about the arrest of the former Catholic priest and national activist Jacek Miedlar, reported yesterday that "one person has been arrested at 8:40 in the morning at Stansted Airport by the border services."more
French President Francois Hollande took issue with Donald Trump's Friday comments about Paris, in which the American President claimed he had a friend who felt "Paris is no longer Paris" in the wake of recent terrorist attacks.more
The former Catholic priest and national activist Jacek Miedlar was this morning arrested at Stansted Airport in London. The man was supposed to take part in a rally of radical groups Britain First this afternoon.more
Former UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage says 2016 was the beginning of a 'global political revolution' with the Brexit Vote and election of Donald Trump. His comments came Friday at the Conservative Political Action Conference . more