  • "SE" survey: Poles strongly support John Paul II
  • Poles do not save for retirement
  • Poland: Financial Supervision Authority has an idea for franc loans
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  • Deloitte: More than 1/3 of international companies allow employees to work from abroad
  • More than 250,000 passengers used Katowice Airport in February.
  • Poles assess the financial situation of households worse
  • Nearly half of Poles save for tourist trips
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  • Children in Poland do not want to be vaccinated
  • Media: Poles are stealing more and more goods from stores
  • CBOS: 73 percent. of respondents believe that the war in Ukraine threatens Poland's security
  • "Rzeczpospolita": Prices in Poland hurt much more
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  • Poles are not very eager to set up companies. Experts say this year will be even worse
  • Polish woman from the UK involved in transporting illegal migrants in "ambulances"
  • Polish women's priorities? First a good job, then a child
  • Poles want subsidies for loans and housing
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  • LOT airlines forecast a profit of PLN 100 million this year
  • Primark zapowiada otwarcie kolejnych sklepów w Polsce
  • How many Poles use mobile phones and the Internet?
  • Millions of Poles suffer from rare diseases
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  • CBOS: Better moods on the Polish labor market in February
  • Who Poles trust the least? Bad news for Szymon Hołownia
  • Poles are increasingly leaving the country. Germany and Spain the main directions
  • "Rzeczpospolita": Vegetables for the rich. Tomatoes even at 35 zlotys per kg
  • unknow zone_place: f6
  • Poles are systematically saving, although the situation is not easy
  • As many as 43% of Poles believe in "some end of the world". What about their professional prospects?
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