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do£15na godzinę

Book keeper required for part time self employed on site ( in Earls Court SW5) position

Administracja, Księgowość, Marketing

Earls Court > Londyn SW5 0AB

Nr ogłoszenia: 1326383
Dodano 30 kwietnia
Treść ogłoszenia

Book keeper required for part time self employed on site (in Earls Court SW5) position. 

I (an individual not a company) am looking for a book keeper to help me with book keeping and entering data (information from invoices) into Excel. Pay £15 per hour. 

Please only apply if: 

– you live in Earls Court London SW5 or not far away from London SW5 (I do not want you to have to travel from far as all your earning will be used to pay for transport fees so no point for you to come for two hours)

– are free to work on Saturdays from 10.30 am – 12.30 pm 

– are experienced and competent book keeper 

– are proficient in Excel 

– are happy to work on self–employed basis

– are happy to work on site (please do not message me to ask whether you can work remotely, this is on site position that cannot be done remotely)

– are happy to be paid via bank transfers 

– can provide proof of address and proof of ID

– are efficient and easy to work with it

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