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Nawiążemywspolprace z Kierowca Miedzynarodowy Kat. C + E z doswiadczeniem

Kierowcy, Transport, Autoservice

Londyn > WC1X 8NW

Nr ogłoszenia: 1325686
Dodano 9 kwietnia
Treść ogłoszenia

Steglar Ltd Based in London is Looking for an HGV driver
We only need drivers for single crews at the moment!
Work for Amazon LKW on Tarpaulin trailers.
Work from Monday to Saturday – 6 days of driving.
Driving mainly within Germany with goods.
Work during the day and at night.
We do not require knowledge of German to work. Our employees will solve all possible problems. However, knowledge of German will be an additional advantage.
Shift work: 2 weeks on and one week off.
it is possible to work in another system convenient for the driver.
Contract of employment:
150 gross per day of work
3 gross night allowance for the time of driving at night ( between 23:00 and 06:00 in the morning )
Due to the fact that the company is registered in England, we can only employ drivers with a UK driving licence.
If you are interested in working, please send your CV as an attachment on the Platform or send email above.

Londyn > WC1X 8NW
Londyn > <span>WC1X 8NW</span>
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Steglar Ltd
Andy Wolok

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