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Pracę oferują

Bricklayer, Carpenter, Skilled Labourer

Budownictwo i Remonty

Londyn Centralny > W8

Nr ogłoszenia: 1267524
Treść ogłoszenia

At clearly renovations ltd we are currently looking for: 

Bricklayer – You will need to have experience in all aspects of brickwork and have a good knowledge in general building. You will also need to ensure work is done safely, on time and to a high–quality standard. Lastly, you must have good communication skills and the ability to work well with other trades. Immediate start.

Job Type: Full–time


• £137.50 daily rate (in hand)

Job Location:

• London

Carpenter – You will need to work quickly and efficiently, with high standards of workmanship and with the ability to communicate with colleagues and customers. Immediate start

Job Type: Full–time


• £150 daily rate (in hand)

Job Location:

• London

Skilled Labourer – You will need to work quickly and efficiently with

a good knowledge in general building. You will also need to ensure work is done safely, on time and to a high–quality standard. Immediate start

Job Type: Full–time


• £137.50 daily rate (In hand)

Job Location:

• London

Please send your CV to Marcin at


Londyn Centralny > W8
Londyn Centralny > <span>W8</span>
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Clearly Renovations Ltd

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