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Pracę oferują

£8—£10na godzinę

Beauty Therapist

Fryzjerstwo, Kosmetyka, Stylizacja paznokci

London > Londyn SW14 8AD

Nr ogłoszenia: 1238768
Odświeżono 6 grudnia 2019
Treść ogłoszenia

We are looking for a beautician to join our South West London Salon in Sheen. I need a therapist who is confident in waxing and facials massage and nails. I am looking for a full or part time. Environ trained is a bonus. In house training can be given. We have been trading for 6 years so we have loyal clients. Pay is dependant on experience we can employ or do self employed. Salon open from 10 till 6 Thursdays is our late night till 8pm, half an hour paid lunch break. Pay dependant on experience and commission on targets hit and sale on products. Please contact for more information. 

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Emily Victoria Beauty Ltd
Emily Coates

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