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Pracę oferują

£9—£9.50na godzinę

Laundry assistant overnight


London > Londyn SW8 4DE

Nr ogłoszenia: 1234505
Odświeżono 16 października 2019
Treść ogłoszenia

A laundry is looking for a laundry assistant to help with ticketing and processing laundry orders.

Basic English reading and writing necessary and basic knowledge of computers. 

The shift is from 11pm – 7am, night shift operates from Sunday–Friday. We do not work on Saturday night.

Tasks include:

Processing orders that arrive from the night delivery – includes inspecting items for stains/damage and inputting the information on to the company software via computer.

Washing and folding laundry for customers in preparation for delivery in the morning.

£9.50/ hour, 5 days a week

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