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do£13na godzinę

Paddington Coffee Shop Team Member

Gastronomia i Hotelarstwo

Paddington > Londyn Centralny W2 1RL

Nr ogłoszenia: 1326397
Numer referencyjny: PADD240501
Odświeżono 1 maja
Treść ogłoszenia

Job Summary

Friendly, hard–working team member to join our café/ coffee shop near Paddington station.  

Full time, 40 hours per week including a rota for working Saturdays.

Salary: £13.00 gross (before tax and pension deductions) /hour – please note this is NOT the net pay received

Role and Responsibilities

The role involves serving customers either at the counter or table with a variety of sandwiches, pastries, hot and cold meals, cakes and treats as well as making and serving coffees and teas.

The role also involves helping the manager with any other tasks related to the smooth running of the shop including preparing food and cleaning up.


Customer service experience in the food and drink sector would help – but reliability, attitude, keeping calm when busy and pressured, the ability to work well with others and provide good customer experience, are more important.

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Bonne Bouche Catering
Ian Biller

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