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Pracę oferują

£11.50—£12na godzinę

Assistant to Montessori Teacher

Kadry, Szkolenia, Edukacja

London, England > Londyn E5 8AD

Nr ogłoszenia: 1218687
Treść ogłoszenia

Are you looking for a permanent job?  

We are a growing home Montessori nursery in the heart of Clapton. Looking for a punctual, hardworking, dedicated, and energetic team player to join our small team of 5. Hours are between Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm with 1 hour paid lunch.

A good level of English is necessary for the successful candidate. Experience working with young children is preferred but not essential. We're offering a competitive salary, pension, in house perks, 7 plus weeks paid holidays including bank holidays a year. 

Looking forward to meeting you! Please send me an email with your CV and we can arrange an interview.

Linki Sponsorowane

Me Montessori
Folarin Thompson

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