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Kupię & Sprzedam


Konsumpcyjne, Używki

London > Londyn nw10

Nr ogłoszenia: 895839
Odświeżono 10 grudnia 2015
Dodano 10 lat temu
Treść ogłoszenia

 ***  COMERCIAL 195/70 R15"C ***  £ 45

175/65 R14  £ 25

215/60 R16  £ 35 (USED) 1 year old  5–6 mm

225/65 R17  £45

205/50 R17 £ 40

175/70 R13 £ 25

165/80 R13 £ 20

165/70 R13 £ 15 (USED)  5mm

Winter tyres new and used

BRAND "TARGUM" made in Poland  

NEW–RETREADED TYRES (nowe/bieżnikowane)

USED various make

Collection from NW10

If you required delivery please contact me on 07835 813417 TOM (Tomek)

Stay legal and safe this winter– be prepared.

In most of Europe countries you are required by law to fit winter tyres in the winter period – the law is for a reason! 

Excellent adhesion on winter surfaces in the rain, snow and ice.

Winter tyres are not only designed for the SNOW!!!  but also they give  better performance than the standard road tyre in any temperature below 7ºC. 

Contact: Tomasz 07835813417 

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