  • Halter: 60 percent Poles have a bad opinion of the government's actions
  • Who do Poles trust? At the forefront of the poll unchanged
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  • Poles buy Lugol's iodine. The expert warns against unjustified consumption
  • CBOS: Poles fear the worsening of living conditions
  • The ABW has requested the expulsion of 45 Russian "diplomats" who were spying in Poland
  • Poll: 51 percent Poles believe that Russia will not be able to cope with the sanctions
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  • LOT returns to the Warsaw-Los Angeles route
  • The governmental body warns Poles against online disinformation about Ukraine
  • Research: Every 4th company in Poland plans to recruit. Same amount of exemptions
  • Cracow Fashion Week: "Metamorphosis" is the best collection of the SAPU Diploma Show
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  • introduces Amazon Super
  • Due to the war between Russia and Ukraine, Poland will have double-digit inflation for a long time
  • CBOS: Poland's membership in NATO is backed by 94 percent Poles
  • Poles and electric cars. How many of them drive on Polish roads?
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  • Research: Polish entrepreneurs fear the effects of inflation
  • Most workers are in the same or better employment situation than before the pandemic
  • Irish MFA chief admires Poland's response to the situation triggered by the war in Ukraine
  • Refugees from Ukraine likely to number more than 4 million
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  • Experts: 580 thousand Poles suffer from Alzheimer's disease
  • Goldman Sachs: Poland among the countries that will suffer the most economically
  • "Rzeczpospolita": Expensive electricity encourages replacement of refrigerators
  • CBOS: Three quarters of Poles believe that they have no influence on country politics
  • Politico: Poland wants to hit Putin's finances. The problem of Germany's energy policy
  • Economist: Poland may become the production base of Europe
  • Refugees will gain access to 500 plus and Family Care Capital
Rates by NBP, date 20.09.2024
GBP 5.0961 złEUR 4.2779 złUSD 3.8317 złCHF 4.5223 zł

