  • "Rzeczpospolita": Euro would cement Poland with the West
  • "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna": Poles ready to save energy
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  • Report: Young job applicants lack logical thinking and independence
  • More than half of Poles want to cool down their relations with the Orban government
  • In the coming days, there may be delays and cancellations of flights over Poland
  • Kantar's study: The phenomenon of ecocentric and cenoholic behaviors is growing in Poland
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  • PIE: 31 percent companies in Poland plan to employ Ukrainians
  • Study: Food products for Easter in Poland more expensive by more than 20 percent.
  • Experts: we can expect an increase in various types of infections, not only COVID
  • CBOS: 60 percent of Poles negatively assess the activities of the National Health Fund
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  • "Rzeczpospolita": Most Poles want short military courses
  • Poles scared of high prices. Before Christmas, they will start chasing promotions
  • "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna": The government is working on a megabase on Poles
  • Border Guard: since 24 February, 2.5 million people have entered Poland from Ukraine
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  • The Prime Minister met with the UK Foreign Secretary
  • More employers in Poland use employment offices
  • IBRiS: How would Poles react if war broke out?
  • "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna": Experts forecast lower economic growth and higher inflation
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  • "Rzeczpospolita": Price madness on the used car market
  • POLSA President: Poland could send a mission to the Moon within five-six years
  • CBOS: Half of Poles do not want to change the constitution
  • "Sueddeutsche Zeitung": Thomas Bagger is to be the new German ambassador to Poland
  • Twice as long trial period in a new job?
  • "Rzeczpospolita": Ukrainians will help Polish shops and restaurants
  • Kaczyński: We have no doubts that there was an attack in Smolensk
Rates by NBP, date 20.09.2024
GBP 5.0961 złEUR 4.2779 złUSD 3.8317 złCHF 4.5223 zł

