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to£8.72per hour

Care Assisstante

Health & Medicine

North London > Online job N21

Ad ID: 1259017
Refreshed on 11 September 2020

We are an organisation based in North London and provides residential care and supported housing. Our website, www.rolandhomes.co.uk will provide you with more information about our organisation.

We are currently recruiting care assistants who are willing to work minimum 20 days and 1 night or more shifts per week. The shit patterns can be flexible according to your needs.

Experience and qualification will be an advantage; however, we are willing to recruit new applicants who are willing to pursue a carrier in health and social care. We will provide training and support for you to obtain care qualifications.

Ideal candidate should have patience and who can support our clients to achieve the best possible outcome with their lives.

Please email with your interest and a contact telephone number.


North London > Online job N21
North London > <span>Online job</span> <span>N21</span>
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