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Stowarzyszenie Techników Polskich zaprasza: Czwartek4You

Stowarzyszenie Techników Polskich zaprasza: Czwartek4You
Architects – what do we actually do?


Roman Halat and Chris Axon from Craft Architects will talk through all stages of a construction project, from the initial meetings with a prospective client through to the construction works and hand over. They will explain the key duties of an architect, the client and other specialists required in the process.

Subjects covered will include the advantages of using an architect to design a home or workplace, the different services they might offer. They will also share their experiences of working with contractors, and how good communication, coordination and early planning can help to smooth the process of running a project on site.
Roman studied architecture in Poland, the USA and in the UK. He is a member of Royal Institute of British Architects. He has 15 years of professional experience in the UK, including 7 years of running his own business. His projects have been built in the UK, China and Poland. 
Having studied architecture in both South Africa and the UK, Chris has worked in Hong Kong, Shanghai (PRC) and the UK. He has 17 years of experience in the UK alone, is a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects and has spent the last 7 years at CRAFT.


Wstęp wolny

Prelekcja odbędzie się w czwartek, 28 września 2017 roku, o godz. 19:00 w Sali Malinowej POSK

POSK - Polski Ośrodek Społeczno-Kulturalny
238-246 King Street, Londyn, W6 0RF


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POSK - Polski Ośrodek Społeczno-Kulturalny
238-246 King Street
Londyn, W6 0RF
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