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Introduction to CIBSE

Introduction to CIBSE
The Association of Polish Engineers in Great Britain would like to invite you to a presentation Czwartek 4YOU


Introduction to CIBSE

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers

Gillian Francis
CIBSE Membership Development Manager

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers received its Royal Charter in 1976. It is the professional body that exists to: ‘support the Science, Art and Practice of building services engineering, by providing our members and the public with first class information and education services and promoting the spirit of fellowship which guides our work'.
Gillian will talk about the main activities of the professional organisation and what are the benefits of being its member.
What are the routes to Professional Membership and registration, what to expect when applying and what to expect at the interviews for various grades.


The presentation will take place in
POSK, Sala Malinowa on 27 October 2016 at 19.00.

POSK - Polski Ośrodek Społeczno-Kulturalny
238-246 King Street, Londyn, W6 0RF


POSK - Polski Ośrodek Społeczno-Kulturalny
238-246 King Street
Londyn, W6 0RF
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