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Electrician NICEIC Commercial, domestic, industrial

Building and renovation

Greater London > SW1X 7XL

Ad ID: 688411
Refreshed on 16 May
Listed on 12 miesięcy ago

The NICEIC electrical company will undertake contracts of commercial and domestic installations.

We have vast experience in the majority of fields including:

offices (including data systems, comms racks), restaurants, pubs, domestic buildings, communal staircases, smart homes, fire alarms, emergency lighting etc.

We have a rich portfolio of our jobs, and we bring every job right to the end. Our recent projects can be seen on our Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/P.G.electrical

and on our website: https://city–london–electrical.uk

P.G.electrical 07984199987


Greater London > SW1X 7XL
Greater London > <span>SW1X 7XL</span>
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P.G.electrical Ltd

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