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Computer and software services for Commercial Companies

Computers, Electronics and Technology

Ealing > Greater London LDN

Ad ID: 1028834
Refreshed on 1 June
Listed on 8 miesięcy ago

Stargor 24h 077 8352 4096, 020 3286 3050
We react quickly, reliably and professionally.
We drive to to the client. Solidity and honesty – nice atmosphere.

We specialize in:

Programs dedicated to invoicing and running commercial companies, creating related websites. Website optimization and positioning.

CRM – Customer Relations, Support for construction and trade companies, Wholesalers, importers and retailers, running accounting offices, law firms and a secretariat. Invoicing, running a warehouse, inventory. Automation of placing online auctions. Employee working time registration. Running service points, marketing serial correspondence, keeping records of sales and rental of premises and other areas of economic activity.

If you do not have time and are rushed, you do not have a secretary, we will add your documents into the system, we will issue invoices for you, we will prepare correspondence for clients and much more.

We also create websites based on the latest technologies. Including PDAs, tablets and smartphones.


Service of computer equipment (stationary and laptops).
Building a network.
Virus Removal.
Free lifetime antivirus programs.
Changing the language of windows.
Free Microsoft Office counterparts.
Data recovery from hard drives and memory cards.
Legalization of unauthorized copies of Windows.
Data archivization.
Replacing monitors in Laptops.

Sharing the Internet to Multiple Computers.

Configuration of wireless routers, live boxes.
Installation of external antennas for the Internet.

IPhone, Android, Windows Phone mobile applications.

Installation of cameras, internet connection, internet viewing from smartphones

Call us and we will connect to your computer and remove the defect remotely.

Custom development of computer programs. Software for running a business, invoicing – customer management and others.


077 8352 4096
We speak Polish, Czech, Russian and English.
We send invoices.

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